In commemoration of her 7th Year Anniversary, the GodsOwnDiva Club commenced and launched of the StarTeen Scholars Challenge which has evolved to become the StarTeens Scholars Challenge Scholarship Fund.
With over 100 students cumulatively benefiting from this initiative, the SSCSF has come to stay.
What is the StarTeen Scholars Challenge?
The purpose of the StarTeen Scholars Challenge is to sponsor less privileged children in dire need by paying their school fees for an Academic session and sometimes for the entire secondary school education
Who is it for?
It is for bright and academically promising, underprivileged children in dire need, girls and boys in secondary school whose parents are unable to pay their school fees for an Academic Year.
What is the Criteria?
Step 1 – Complete a Nomination Form
Step 2 – All nominations will be reviewed and those who qualify will be shortlisted. If shortlisted, you will be asked to provide the following:
An entry qualification – For this, you will be required write a short multiple choice test
Proof of Model behavior – to demonstrate this, the applicant will be required to get a letter of recommendation from your school or religious leader sent by direct email from the sponsor to us at GodsOwnDiva Club
Proof of Academic Excellence – You will be required to submit your last terms school result.
Step 3 – Upon verification, Selected candidates will be contacted and funds paid to their respective schools.
Do kindly note that all submissions will be verified.
How do I enter?
Complete the nomination form below.
Entries Open Feb 1st and Close Feb 28th every year and please stay tuned for updates on selection of the winners of the challenge. Follow @godsowndivaclub for updates
God bless you!
P.S. Are you interested in sponsoring students and partnering with us on this challenge? Click here for more Thank you.
We want to use this opportunity to appreciate GODSOWNDIVA CLUB for paying our children’s school fees OLA-DAVID AYODEBOLA PRAISE AND OLA-DAVID OLUWAFERISHOLA ISRAEL.
We pray that the Lord will bless every source this came from. You will never lack nor run dry in Jesus name.
GODSOWNDIVA CLUB will go from strength to strength, from grace to grace in Jesus’ name. God bless you real good.
Mr & Mrs Abiodun Ola-David
September 22, 2021We want to use this opportunity to appreciate GODSOWNDIVA CLUB for paying our children school fees
Mr & Mrs Abiodun Ola-David
September 22, 2021We want to use this opportunity to appreciate GODSOWNDIVA CLUB for paying our children’s school fees OLA-DAVID AYODEBOLA PRAISE AND OLA-DAVID OLUWAFERISHOLA ISRAEL.
We pray that the Lord will bless every source this came from. You will never lack nor run dry in Jesus name.
GODSOWNDIVA CLUB will go from strength to strength, from grace to grace in Jesus’ name. God bless you real good.
Fabiyi Bisola
September 25, 2021Greetings,
The pupils of Osun State were unable to benefit from this program due to their academic calendar which just ended on the 24th of September.
I humbly request that there’s an extension of the date of application to allow the pupils of Osun State benefit from the scholarship program.
The term’s results are just being distributed to parents.
Thanks for your usual cooperation.